Are there still spots available to be part of the program?
Yes. We will add a new group on a rolling basis and will begin the next round of review of applications at the beginning of each month. We will continue to add students in this way until all seats are filled, or the timeline of completion is no longer achievable based on recommendations by 体育菠菜大平台 Teacher Education Program.
Can a student switch from 体育菠菜大平台 credit to Stipend and vice versa?
Yes, a student may switch between 体育菠菜大平台 Credit and Stipend options, but specific conditions and deadlines apply:
体育菠菜大平台 Credit to Stipend
- A student may switch from 体育菠菜大平台 Credit to a Stipend by contacting Karla Rohde and dropping the course prior to the deadline of the drop/add period, which falls within the full refund timeframe as defined by 体育菠菜大平台 academic guidelines. Students who do not complete the drop/add process during this full refund timeframe will not be permitted to switch to the stipend option.
- After the drop and add period for the full refund of a course has passed, students are no longer eligible to change to the Stipend Option.
Stipend to 体育菠菜大平台 Credit
- A student enrolled for a stipend may switch to 体育菠菜大平台 Credit prior to the first installment of payment, 50% of the course completion. The participant must contact Karla Rohde with their intent to switch.
What is the course number and title?
TE 499/899P Special Topics: Foundations of Early Reading
When does the student have to enroll in the 体育菠菜大平台 courses?
The course is designed to offer flexibility, allowing students to take the two courses when it works best for their schedule, only one course per semester. Courses are available during both the Spring and Fall semesters, including Spring 25, Fall 25, Spring 26, and Fall 26.
Students can sign in and begin the Teaching Strategies training beginning January 2025.
The only requirement is that all coursework and requirements be completed by the end of finals week of the Fall 2026 Semester.
When will the stipend be paid to students?
Students must complete 50% of the course and then they will receive $500. The second installment will come at the completion of the course.
NOTE: Students are required to fill out the Qualtrics form on the NU Advance platform showing the completion of each section prior to receiving funds.
Process to receive the stipend payment
Students must log into their NU Advance, Project RISE account to complete two forms. The first form certifies that they have completed 50% of the course. The second form certifies the completion of the entire course.
Can a participant use their already created Teaching Strategies account?
No, a new account will be provided by Teaching Strategies. Accounts are created with a username so a student can have multiple accounts tied to the same email.
How can I use my credits toward a degree?
For those completing Project RISE for graduate credit, the coursework fulfills a course requirement for either the Curriculum & Instruction M.A.Ed. or the Reading PK-12 M.A.Ed. Both programs are designed for classroom teachers and may be a great fit for those who wish to continue their graduate education in a master's program.
For those completing Project RISE for undergraduate credit, reach out to Paula Thompson at to discuss what program and pathway may work best for you.